This technique is indispensable when you have a question that needs a specific answer. For example: Will the move be good for me? Will I get a promotion at work this month? Will this relationship be successful? Whether it is necessary to do a surgery? etc.
Before asking questions, please consider some important points:
The question should be sincere and relevant to you. When I analyze a chart of question, I first determine how relevant it is to the question. If the question was asked lightly, hastily, and the person was really thinking about something else, the Prashna chart will reflect this. In this case, I will suggest that you think about your question again when it is definitely relevant and sincere. Otherwise, Prashna will not give the correct answer. The question should really concern you.
Only one question should be asked at a time. It must be formulated clearly, understandably and unambiguously. Do not use phrases: "What is the best way to act?" Should I choose one or the other?" A Prashna chart contains a single answer to a given question, not a set of different options that can be analyzed.
The Prashna answer is valid for one year. If you ask the question: "Will I get a promotion?", then Prashna will give you the answer for a year, not for life! This applies to any question.
It is advisable to clarify the timing of the question, this will give a clearer result. For example: "Will I move to country X within 2 months?" Will I get a raise this month? "Should I travel in May?" The more specific the question, the more specific the answer.
The question should be asked in a calm state. One should not approach Prashna in a state of anger, anxiety, or extreme despair.
Duration: 20-30 min
Cost: 40USD/ 55 CAD